It is from man’s hard work and from the bonds with his origin
that Romanopietra was born: a firm dedicated to the extraction and treatment of the Soleto natural stone.
Romanopietra has granted over time a robust integration between the art of the Soleto stonemasons and the precision of the most advanced technologies. From this union of tradition and modernity, we create elegant and high-quality products that are able to combine the suggestive and typical decoration of the pietra viva with the functionality of customized solutions for every kind of residential and urban environment. The Soleto stone is extracted from the quarries located in Petraro, and its main features are the typical imperviousness and resistance to atmospheric agents, which are qualities contributing to shape and preserve the beauty of the productions over time.

The result of that is an artisan small-sized firm that really wants to build a strong reputation in the commercial relations and in the technical knowledge in this particular sector.
The firm is located in an area of 5000 m2 (of which 300 are covered) in via Provinciale Soleto-Martano, very close to our own quarries where we extract our stones according to the necessary licenses.